Thursday, May 14, 2009

Asked myself these questions:-
Are the beds made?
Is the washing up to date?
Are the dishes clean?
Does the car need washing?
Have I walked the pet yet?
Could the grass do with a hair cut?
As I asked a question I then focused on the answer.
If the answer was YES than action was needed and I simply
Action and movement are now my new focus.
When food is put in my way either physically or in the media I change it to action.
FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS Just for today - am not thinking of any further than TODAY and what ACTION is needed RIGHT NOW

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weight Loss A Day At A Time

Let me introduce myself.
I am the mother of 3 handsome and successful men. Have safely navigated through menopause. And at age 52 have a wonderful daughter of 7. My main concern is extra weight that continues to accumulate on a daily basis. With the aid of this blog I would like to impart my story of a battle to tip the scales backwards. I hope my pain and struggle may help someone out there and than it will have been an extra special journey.
Why loose weight? Loose Weight Fast and Easy!How to loose weight in a week?......bombard....bombard......TV, Mags, Internet will it never end?
The law of attraction was made popular with the DVD "The Secret" but I am convinced that we do attract what we think about and in the battle to loose weight our thoughts are about food, eat less food, don't eat that food, less of this food and so it goes on and on and guess what.....we eat more food.
I also live alone with my daughter making some of my eating a comfort factor.
Evenings are spent watching TV with my daughter until she falls asleep and by than I have been bombarded with so many food adverts that I simple have to get a snack now she has settled cause after all it is now my time.
Loose Weight for Free! Loose Weight in a Week! is everywhere
Today I am too busy to eat nutritionally so lets eat whatever is around as after all we have tomorrow ........we will start doing the right thing tomorrow....always tomorrow...
The wisdom of our youth has won through with the comment from my beautiful daughter "just do it mum" such words of wisdom from someone so young I am sure she has graced our world before.
So here I am using the only tool I haven't used to date to keep me on track.

Just for today I will concentrate on doing what is in front of me to do. Focus only on these tasks